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+30 210 8016363
Have a project in mind?
Interested working in together?
+30 210 8016363
The Cadastre is a complete registration of all real properties and the (registrable) rights these bear across Greece; the aim of the Cadastre is to protect and consolidate these rights.
Cadastral Survey Stages:
The ownership declaration to the Cadastre is mandatory by the law and constitutes a prerequisite for any action that involves the property in the future (e.g. transfer, parental benefit or donation).
Every person or legal entity that has real property or a registrable right on real property is obliged to submit a declaration to the Cadastre.
An up to date Surveying Plan is the most reliable way to make sure that your property has it’s ID. The plan includes X,Y Coordinates and all the necessary parameters so that the registration will be properly submitted with accurate and lawful information.
TAXISnet codes are needed in order to submit a declaration.
In our office, we retain a full and detailed record of the plans and documents delivered to you, which are available any time they are needed.
Specifically, it is compulsory to attach a topographic diagram when:
Documents substantiating the usucaption right, (e.g. power or telephone bills, leases, evidence of subsidies, official boundary adjudication documents, mortgages, E9 etc.).
The documents must prove a 20-year occupancy and possession of the property.
If there is no acceptance of inheritance
WITH a will:
WITHOUT a will:
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